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Virtual PC Simulator

The VPCS can simulate up to 9 PCs. You can ping/traceroute them, or ping/traceroute the other hosts/routers from the virtual PCs when you study the Cisco routers in the Dynamips. VPCS is not the traditional PC, it is just a program running on the Linux or Windows, and only few network commands can be used in it. But VPCS can give you a big hand when you study the Cisco devices in the Dynamips. VPCS can replace the routers or VMware boxes which are used as PCs in the Dynamips network.

Try VPCS, it can save your CPU/Memory. It is very small.

Now, VPCS can be run in udp or ether mode. In the udp mode, VPCS sends or receives the packets via udp. In the ether mode, via /dev/tap, not support on the Windows.


The stable version 0.8a, download from sourceforge, has been tested under FreeBSD/Linux/OSX/Windows, changelog. And special thanks to Chris Welsh for his suggestions and help.

The Simplified Chinese user guide, download from sourceforge.

The source code was released under BSD license, download from sourceforge. The source tarball was signed by my GPG key E90A5CF0, run gpg –verify to verify:

 $ gpg --verify vpcs-0.8-src.tbz.asc
 gpg: Signature made 10/04/15 17:02:10 using RSA key ID E90A5CF0
 gpg: Good signature from "mirnshi <[email protected]>"


  -h             print this help then exit
  -v             print version information then exit

  -R             disable relay function
  -i num         number of vpc instances to start (default is 9)
  -p port        run as a daemon listening on the tcp port
  -m num         start byte of ether address, default from 0
  [-r] FILENAME  load and execute script file FILENAME

  -e             tap mode, using /dev/tapx by default (linux only)
  [-u]           udp mode, default

udp mode options:
  -s port        local udp base port, default from 20000
  -c port        remote udp base port (dynamips udp port), default from 30000
  -t ip          remote host IP, default

tap mode options:
  -d device      device name, works only when -i is set to 1

hypervisor mode option:
  -H port        run as the hypervisor listening on the tcp port

  If no FILENAME specified, vpcs will read and execute the file named
  startup.vpc if it exists in the current directory.
 VPCS[1]> ?
?                        Print help
! COMMAND [ARG ...]      Invoke an OS COMMAND with optional ARG(s)
digit                    Switch to the VPCdigit. digit range 1 to 9
arp [digit|all]          Shortcut for: show arp. Show arp table
clear ARG                Clear IPv4/IPv6, arp/neighbor cache, command history
dhcp [OPTION]            Shortcut for: ip dhcp. Get IPv4 address via DHCP
disconnect               Exit the telnet session (daemon mode)
echo TEXT                Display TEXT in output. See also  set echo ?
help                     Print help
history                  Shortcut for: show history. List the command history
ip ARG ... [OPTION]      Configure the current VPC's IP settings. See ip ?
load [FILENAME]          Load the configuration/script from the file FILENAME
ping HOST [OPTION ...]   Ping HOST with ICMP (default) or TCP/UDP. See ping ?
quit                     Quit program
relay ARG ...            Configure packet relay between UDP ports. See relay ?
rlogin [ip] port         Telnet to port on host at ip (relative to host PC)
save [FILENAME]          Save the configuration to the file FILENAME
set ARG ...              Set VPC name and other options. Try set ?
show [ARG ...]           Print the information of VPCs (default). See show ?
sleep [seconds] [TEXT]   Print TEXT and pause running script for seconds
trace HOST [OPTION ...]  Print the path packets take to network HOST
version                  Shortcut for: show version
 VPCS[1]> sh
 NAME   IP/CIDR              GATEWAY           MAC                LPORT  RPORT
 VPCS1       00:50:79:66:68:00  20000  30000
 VPCS2             00:50:79:66:68:01  20001  30001
        2001:1::2050:79ff:fe66:6801/64 eui-64
 VPCS3      00:50:79:66:68:02  20002  30002
        2001:11::2/64 eui-64
 VPCS4      00:50:79:66:68:03  20003  30003
        2001:12::2050:79ff:fe66:6803/64 eui-64
 VPCS5           00:50:79:66:68:04  20004  30004
 VPCS6           00:50:79:66:68:05  20005  30005
 VPCS7           00:50:79:66:68:06  20006  30006
 VPCS8       00:50:79:66:68:07  20007  30007
 VPCS9       00:50:79:66:68:08  20008  30008
 VPCS[9]> p
 ping address [options], Ping the network host, Ctrl+C to stop the command
     -1           ICMP mode, default
     -2           UDP mode
     -3           TCP mode
     -c count     packet count
     -l size      data size
     -T ttl       set TTL, default 64
     -p port      source and destination port
     -f flag      tcp head flag, |C|E|U|A|P|R|S|F|
                            bits |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     -s winsize   tcp window size
     -t           send packet until interrupt by Ctrl+C
     -i ms        wait 'ms' milliseconds between sending each packet
     -w ms        wait 'ms' milliseconds to receive the response
 VPCS[9]> i
 ip address [gateway] CIDR, Set the PC's ip, gateway's ip and network mask.
     dhcp                    Configure host/gateway address using DHCP, only ipv4
     auto                    Stateless address autoconfiguration, only ipv6
                             PC will try to get the ipv6 address from the router at startup
     address [gateway] CIDR  set the PC's ip, gateway's ip and network mask
                             Default IPv4 CIDR is 24, IPv6 is 64. In the ether mode,
                             the ip of the tapx is the maximum host ID of the subnet.
                             'ip 26', set the host ip to,
                             the gateway ip to, the netmask to,
                             the tapx ip to in the ether mode.

If in the ether mode, please run it before the dynamips loads/starts the ios.

When VPCS started, it listens the ports from 20000 to 20008 and wait the dymamips to connet, and send the packets to the ports from 30000 to 30008 which should be listened by the Dynamips.

VPCS looks for the file named 'startup.vpc' in the current directory, and execute the commands in it if you are not set the startup file from the command line. All the commands in the startup file are the internal command of the VPCS. The line started with '#' or '!' will be discarded.

 # The startup file of VPCS
 # pc1, ipv4 & ipv6
 ip 24
 ip 2001:1::10 64
 # pc2, using dhcp
 # pc3, ipv4
 ip 24
 # pc4, ipv4 & ipv6
 ip 24
 ip 2001:4::10 64
 # switch to PC1

.net file (ether mode), please refer to dynagen for details.

 # VLAN lab
 ghostios = True
 sparsemem = True
  [[ROUTER sw]]
      model = 2621
      image = /
      ram = 128
      slot1 = NM-16ESW
      f1/0 = r1 f0/1
      f1/1 = NIO_linux_eth:tap0
      f1/2 = NIO_linux_eth:tap1
  [[router r1]]
      model = 2621
      image = /
      ram = 32
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      f0/0 = NIO_linux_eth:tap2

.bat (udp mode)

  dynamips-wxp.exe -i R1 -T 2000 -P 2600 -r 64 -c 0x2142 -p 1:NM-16ESW 
                  -s 1:0:udp:30000: 
                  -s 1:1:udp:30001: 
                  -s 1:2:udp:30002:    ..\\c2600-te.bin

Dynamips loads ios with NM-16ESW module in slot 1, and listens 30000 to 30002. NM-16ESW is 16 port switch module (from f1/0 to f1/15). '-s 1:0:udp:30000:' means:

  1. this is port 0
  2. dynamips (or ios) sends the packets from port 30000 to port 20000 which listens by VPCS (PC1).
  3. VPCS (PC1) sends the packets from port 20000 to dynamips.

It is easy to transform the topology through relay command. For example:

relay add
relay add
relay add
relay add

The topology

will be transformed to

.net file (udp mode)

 # VLAN lab
 ghostios = True
 sparsemem = True
  [[ROUTER sw]]
      model = 2621
      image = /
      ram = 128
      slot1 = NM-16ESW
      f1/0 = r1 f0/1
      f1/1 = NIO_udp:30000:
      f1/2 = NIO_udp:30001:
      idlepc = 0x805785a0
  [[router r1]]
      model = 2621
      image = /
      ram = 32
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      f0/0 = NIO_udp:30002:
      idlepc = 0x804f4044 


  • The cygwin1.dll used by VPCS maybe conflicted with the older or other versions, please keep the LATEST cygwin1.dll in the your PC.
  • You should run VPCS before starting the dynamips while using ether mode. VPCS opens the tap interfaces. And you should know, VPCS will CLOSE the tap interfaces before quit.

vpcs.exe is windows program, only udp mode.
Under linux or OSX, maybe you need chmod +x vpcs.
vpcs.osx is OS X program, only udp mode.


, 2017/03/15 15:08

Hi all,

Is it possible to change MTU for UDP ping packets? I am looking for jumbo-frames and it seems it is not possible..

Anyway, with or without jumbo, this is an amazing tool. Many thanks

, 2016/03/11 14:09


I was wondering it was possible to integrate VPCS with UNETLAB ? I guess we are all familiar with GNS3, but under UNETLAB, it would be really good too.


, 2012/05/30 16:30

Really, really fantastic job, I always use it on m$ and on linux platform… a little question, does it possible to release an version to sparc architecture?! I would like to use it on netbsd/solaris. keep it up!!! :) thanks

, 2012/05/31 06:39

It's hard to find a SPARC platform to compile the VPCS. Or you can download the source code from, try to compile it by yourself.

, 2012/06/04 17:43

I'm not familiar with compilation without makefile, can you provide me it? :D I think it would be fine on netbsd/sparc

, 2012/06/05 13:40

Please refer to Makefile.freebsd.

, 2012/04/11 09:18

Thanks a lot for this great tool!

Any plan to create a configuration file with the MAC addresses and the number of virtual PC? I would be very interested in such a feature! :)

, 2012/03/12 09:38

great code, vpcs.osx works fine

(I am running GNS3 on Snow Leopard)


, karachi pakistan, 2012/02/21 09:26

The best marketing techniques is to find easy way to reach wide audiences , the strategy is to reach through online processes and web processes

, Bangalore, 2012/02/02 19:51


I am not able to run VPCs on my system(ubuntu), the VPCS simulator just appears for less than a sec and disappears. Please help me on this and let me know how to run a VPC simulator successfully


, 2012/02/01 21:44

HI ,

What do you mean overwrite .dll file???

Please help me on this… I am not able to run the VPCS launcher.

, 2012/01/25 10:45

I know so a great deal a lot more about this than I did previous to. Your blog seriously brought some items to light which i never would have believed about ahead of reading through it [ pos system] [ pos systems]

, hey, 2012/01/03 08:18

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, 2011/12/06 22:58

Big thanks for putting up the sourcecode on sourceforge.

, 2011/11/30 10:50

I made a basic setup with one VPCS connecting to real router using NIC on PC - from VPCS I can ping both router and PC but not traceroute and I can't ping from PC cmd line to VPCS instance… is there something I'm missing? The setup (very basic) is VPCS cloud → ethernet switch → cloud connected to router via NIC on PC. Also the VPCS can't get a DHCP from the router, again something I'm missing?

I'm going to be using emulated 2621 routers and real 2950 switches in my lab so was testing the ability to connect VPCS through PC NIC's to real devices in GNS3.

, 2011/11/30 11:00

UPDATE: The VPCS is picking up DHCP and can traceroute the router but not the PC…

, 2011/10/11 09:40

While working with VPCS version 0.21a (and also with version 0.20a) I found out two strange behaviors on the IPv4 stack:

1- For sessions targeted to VPCS, VPCS doesn't issue (as supposed) ARP Requests, even when the ARP cache is empty. The IPv4 stack, as far as I can conclude, immediately use the Source MAC Address of the incoming Ethernet frames to fulfill the Destination MAC Address of the outgoing Ethernet frames. Although this “simplification” works fine most of the time, it is not the standard behavior and brings some annoying effects over non-trivial scenarios. For instance, it is not possible to keep asymmetric routing working for incoming sessions. I. e., no matter the Default Gateway programmed on the VPCS, the VPCS terminal always uses the MAC addresses present on the incoming packets. At the same time, and once outgoing sessions must use ARP Request/Reply when the ARP cache is empty, the VPCS uses the default gateway with which it is programmed (the standard behavior). This puts VPCS on a strange situation where incoming sessions follow one path (symmetric) and outgoing sessions follow a different one (asymmetric). This also turns troubleshooting harder.

2-When VPCS terminals employ ARP Request/Reply the stack picks up the MAC Address it is looking for from the Source Address of the ARP Reply and not from the ARP Reply PDU. This is also a non-standard behavior that works must of the same but fails, for instance, when using Cisco GLBP protocol.

From these observations I ask:

A-Is it possible to solve the problems reported on the next VPCS release? B-Is it possible to access the VPCS source code? C-Is there any way to collaborate on code development around this project?

There are some interesting features missing. VPCS can implement up to 9 terminals but just the server side of them can be explored concurrently. Currently there is no way of having a continuous outgoing ping session on several VPCS terminals at the same time. Maybe a tab-like window becomes nice or some ”&” and fg bg commands may help on this issue.

Congratulations for your great project. Without it teaching networking will not be so accessible.

Best regards, Luis Santos (.PT)

, 2011/09/18 03:32

My Virtual pcs are pinging with each other, but how to save the VPC configuration, so that next time when i open the vpcs the ip address remain intact. i loose all the ip addresses as soon as open vpcs again.

second question- can i create different file for different topologies, and use those files from the same vpcs.exe. plz help me out.

, 2011/07/19 17:16

I have tried downloading the source above for my Ubuntu Linux but it does not work. Can only find .exe file for Windows.

Thank's for all help.

, 2011/06/22 14:39

The Sourceforge project got deleted? I can't download it anymore.

, Italy, 2011/05/10 14:46

Hello, i found your software on sourceforge, where it claims to be GPLv3.

i would like to package it and distribute it into openSUSE distribution together with gns3 and dynamips..

where can i find vpcs source code? Regards Andrea

, 2011/04/07 00:03

hallo am a beginner with all this could sm1 help me with a step by step description on how to get my vpcs to communicate wz my GNS3 iv failed to ping all the pcs of other routers. iv been following the GNS3 tutorial for beginners and iv followed all the steps. is there smthng i should do during installtion of VPCs im using gns3 0.7.3 win 32 and vpcs o.21a. what should i do

, none, 2011/03/01 18:53


, Germany, 2011/02/11 13:19

Does 0.21 send IPv6 router solicitation on startup?

Hi, I think that it doesn´t, according to my wireshark captures - I have to wait until my IPv6 router sends an IPv6 router advertisement by its own. Did anybody see same behaviour?

, 2011/02/01 01:24

Hi, I downloaded vpcs-0.21.7z but not able to extract it. I also install 7-Zip.

, 2011/02/01 10:13

I think the file you downloaded from the is malformed, but some mirrors work fine. You can download from this site.

, 2011/01/27 09:50

Hi, I have a issue. When I attempt trace route from router 3725(emulated in GNS3 0.7.3) to a virtual pc (VPCS 0.20a) the VPCS sends error messages and closes. What's happening?. The ping works fine (from and to virtual pcs).

, 2011/01/28 14:16

Error messages? Would you please post it? And there's a bug that the traceroute from the router to vpcs can not get the correct response. Please try the latest version 0.21

, Belrose, NSW, Australia, 2011/01/14 10:51

If you download the file from this site you will find a file called cygwin1.dll - if this file is in the same directory as you run the Windows vpcs.exe, it should run. If there is a problem with the GNS3 package, you should report that on the website.

, 2011/01/13 12:19

Can anyone please tell me how to use the new version 20a VPCS in GNS3.0.7.3, because there is no cygwin.DLL and the path which you have mentioned

, 2011/01/09 10:41

furosekhan has a point about using in that using routers or even a qemu host can also be used for testing, however there are a couple of reasons why I normally use vpcs rather than another router or qemu host: 1. Resources - vpcs is pretty light on resources compared to the other methods 2. Interface - vpcs gives me one window where I can quickly switch from PC to PC - and even easily repeat my last ping on the different PC by hitting the up arrow. 3. Features - you can ping tcp and udp port numbers using vpcs - try doing that on a router! 4. Scripts - vpcs v0.2 allows the loading of a file which will be run as a script. Not possible on a router.

, 2011/01/08 16:40

if you guys are such a technical savvy, why dont u guys use the router by disabling ip routing as PC. huff… thats much much much more better than wasting time on vps, cloud, configuring them etc etc.. take these commands if anyone donno..

router#conf t router(config)# no ip routing router(config)#ip default-gateway (router's address) router(config)#int f0/0 router(config-if)#ip add router(config)#exit

that's it.. now ur router will do the same functions as vps hosts :-|

, 2011/01/08 14:50

Where is vps-0.20b download link ?

, 2010/12/06 09:58

Thanks for the tip! I connected my vpcs via switches which are working under the local dynamips which also connected to the routers working under “remote” dynamips and it works now. So, the idea is vpcs should be connected to devices emulated by “local” dynamips(es).

, 2010/12/05 15:36

Hi! My setup consists of two dynamipses running on and GNS3 and vpcs are both running at VPCs settins in GNS3 is like nio_udp:30000: and nio_udp:30001: VPCs are connected to the routers (dynamipses above). Routers and VPCs can not ping each other. Using wireshark at i can see packets from to and to but no one packet from or back. When i use only local dynamips it works ok. Is the there a way to get my setup working?

, 2010/12/06 01:34

vpcs only works with the local dynamips.

, 2010/11/25 02:37

Please everyone help, i need a CISCO IOS image? thank u…

, Belrose, NSW, Australia, 2010/09/09 22:20

queue is full queue is full I have noticed dozens of “queue is full” messages get printed on the screen whenever the vpcs program sees an UNANSWERED ARP packet I'm not sure how much of the following scenario is needed to re-create the problem. SETUP SCENARIO 1. I'm running vpcs and GNS3 in Ubuntu 10.04, which is a VMware Virtual machine running on my host operating system of Windows Vista. The results are similar but not exactly the same when running the SAME VM on a OS X host. 2. My GNS3 topology consists of a GNS3 virtual switch - connecting to this switch, all on VLAN1 is: a) f0/0 of router R0 b) the vpc “cloud” c) the VM's eth0 adapter

This extract from the .net might explain it better: ETHSW SW0

1 = access 1 R0 f0/0
2 = access 1 NIO_udp:30000:
3 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth0

This allows the host OS (Windows Vista) to communicate with both the router and the vpc

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION My host OS (Win Vista), the vpc, and the router's Fa0/0 can all ping each other quite happily. If ( a. my host PC (Win Vista) sends an ARP request, or b. an ARP request turns up from the external network, or c. the router sends an ARP request )

AND the request is not answered

THEN queue is full message appears on the vpc screen.

CONCLUSION It appears that the “queue is full” message does not interfere with the operation of vpcs, its a cosmetic problem only.

NOTE re Mac OS X In the scenario described above but using Macintosh OS X as the VMware host operating system, I can't get the vpc to see either the host (Mac OSX) or the router (f0/0) - BUT when the host or router or externally received ARP requests turn up, the “queue is full” message appears. Note also in this situation, the Mac OSX CAN ping the router, (and vice-versa) but neither the router or the Mac OSX can ping the vpc (and vice versa)

HISTORY I noticed this behaviour when I had 2 PCs, each running the same VM (the Ubuntu VM running vpcs & GNS3). One PC was a Macintosh, the other Win Vista. Physically they were both connected to the same switch on the same vlan.

I noticed that the “queue is full” message was occurring simultaneously on each vpcs screen - and quite often (the switch they were connected to had my whole home network hanging off it). I ran Wireshark hoping to find an unusual packet that caused the “queue is full” - but too much traffic, so I isolated my two host PCs. After watching the traces carefully I was able to determine that it was the ARP packets that ran at a 1:1 correlation to the “queue is full” message.

, Belrose, NSW, Australia, 2010/09/10 01:44

Footnote: The reference to “I can't get the vpc to see either the host (Mac OSX) or the router (f0/0)” was a PEBKAC error (I was trying to ping from the wrong virtual PC). So consistency between Windows Vista and Macintosh OSX host operating systems has been established.

, 2010/07/25 14:42

i just have a single problem with this.. . i use the 1st 3 PCs and whenever i close VPCS and re-open, i'll have to assign the ip address again and again…. . is there a solution for this?

, Belrose, NSW, Australia, 2010/09/09 22:07

feroz - create a text file called *startup.vpc* in the directory you are running vpcs from. In that file place your _*ip*_ commands (and any others you like - I always finish with a _*show*_ command

, 2010/06/27 03:23


Is there a way to run a continuous ping through VPCS? I'm testing spanning tree out right now and I want to setup a continuous ping from one vpc to another, then break the links and see the ping go down. IT doesn't respond to the ping -t command. I also tried ping ip address -t but no success either.

Courtenay Allen.

, 2010/12/04 13:04

i have this problem too… can anyone help?

, 2010/12/04 13:42

i found the answer: upgrade to the latest version.

, 2010/06/03 06:31

Hi Mimshi,

configuring the virtual pcs in a pc which is connected to office network(i m trying to configure this in office during free time) creates any problem??? I mean any routing issues because the pc is already connected to office network..

, 2010/05/21 15:39

Thanks mimshi - static routing configured incorrectly.

, 2010/05/10 11:19


I cannot run vpcs 0.15a. I use uBuntu 9.40 OS and got this message below even though I mask my permission to be executable!!!. Can you advise please.

~/vpcs-0.15a$ uname -a

Linux 2.6.31-21-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 07:28:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

!/vpcs-0.15a$ ./vpcs -u -r ./startup.vpc

bash: ./vpcs: Permission denied

~/vpcs-0.15a$ chmod 0755 ./vpcs

~/vpcs-0.15a$ file ./vpcs

./vpcs: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped

I also switched to newer version 0.16c. I still has no luck so far.

~/vpcs-0.16c$ ./vpcs

bash: ./vpcs: Permission denied

~/vpcs-0.16c$ ./vpcs_64

bash: ./vpcs_64: Permission denied


, 2010/05/10 11:19


I cannot run vpcs 0.15a. I use uBuntu 9.40 OS and got this message below even though I mask my permission to be executable!!!. Can you advise please.

~/vpcs-0.15a$ uname -a

Linux 2.6.31-21-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 07:28:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

!/vpcs-0.15a$ ./vpcs -u -r ./startup.vpc

bash: ./vpcs: Permission denied

~/vpcs-0.15a$ chmod 0755 ./vpcs

~/vpcs-0.15a$ file ./vpcs

./vpcs: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped

I also switched to newer version 0.16c. I still has no luck so far.

~/vpcs-0.16c$ ./vpcs

bash: ./vpcs: Permission denied

~/vpcs-0.16c$ ./vpcs_64

bash: ./vpcs_64: Permission denied


, 2010/05/08 21:58


nice work, it's possible to share the source code because i want debug part of pieces, thanks lot !

, 2010/04/26 19:56


I am using vpcs with gns3 and having problems getting the pc1 and pc2 to ping each other in a 2-router 2-pc configuration when using static routing on the routers. when I use router rip v2 however, no problems. anyone else have this issue?thanks. Joey the fish.

, 2010/04/27 14:04

please check static route

, you dont want to know, 2010/04/19 12:28

Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

DDD Can't find dhcp server

same problem here:

XP SP3 32bit, Amd turion 64×2

, 2010/04/19 13:03

what's wrong?

, 2011/04/07 13:41

how were u able to solve this because am having the same problem

, nothing, 2010/02/08 22:30

Hi there,

I'm trying to launch the most current version you have (above) of vpcs, but am encountering the following:

Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.15a Dedicated to Daling


Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

DDD Can't find dhcp server

PC2 : gateway

PC3 : VPCS 1 >show

NAME IP/CIDR GATEWAY MAC LPORT RPORT PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000 PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001 PC3 00:50:79:66:68:02 20002 30002 PC4 00:50:79:66:68:03 20003 30003 PC5 00:50:79:66:68:04 20004 30004 PC6 00:50:79:66:68:05 20005 30005 PC7 00:50:79:66:68:06 20006 30006 PC8 00:50:79:66:68:07 20007 30007 PC9 00:50:79:66:68:08 20008 30008

VPCS 1 >

Can you confirm if this is something my end, as I've tried the usual firewall/AV fixes?

And also is the “current” version ok for x86 (32bit) Windows 7, as that's what I'm running at the moment.

Thanks for your help.

, 2010/01/31 10:26

Please let me know in case you need any further information.

, 2010/01/31 10:23

I am using VPCS with Dynamips and have everything setup exactly as it should be. I will post the .net file the startup.vpc to confirm the same. Even now I am unable to ping the gateway from the PC and vice versa. Please help me identify the problem.

* Please note that there are no errors in terms of installation or .dll file setup ec, in case ther eis an error it has to be with the configs somewhere, please help me identify the same, I have almost given up now :(.

Topology is simple:

R2 — R1 — R3 (Running EIGRP) f

PC2 – PC1 – PC3

#Filename = autostart = True [localhost:7200]

  workingdir = C:\DOCUME~1\Rajesh\LOCALS~1\Temp
  udp = 10000
      image = D:\Router Simulation\GNS pack\Images\c3640-jk9o3s-mz.123-14.T7.extracted.bin
      ghostios = True
      sparsemem = True
      chassis = 3640
  [[ROUTER R1]]
      model = 3640
      console = 2000
      slot0 = NM-4T
      s0/0 = R2 s0/0
      s0/1 = R3 s0/0
      f1/0 = NIO_udp:30000:
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      x = -35.0
      y = -92.0
      hx = 22.5
      hy = 21.0
      configuration = IQp2ZXJzaW9uIDEyLjMKc2VydmljZSB0aW1lc3RhbXBzIGRlYnVnIGRhdGV0aW1lIG1zZWMKc2VydmljZSB0aW1lc3RhbXBzIGxvZyBkYXRldGltZSBtc2VjCm5vIHNlcnZpY2UgcGFzc3dvcmQtZW5jcnlwdGlvbgohCmhvc3RuYW1lIFIxCiEKYm9vdC1zdGFydC1tYXJrZXIKYm9vdC1lbmQtbWFya2VyCiEKbm8gbG9nZ2luZyBjb25zb2xlCiEKbm8gYWFhIG5ldy1tb2RlbAohCnJlc291cmNlIHBvbGljeQohCm1lbW9yeS1zaXplIGlvbWVtIDUKaXAgc3VibmV0LXplcm8KIQohCmlwIGNlZgpubyBpcCBkaGNwIHVzZSB2cmYgY29ubmVjdGVkCiEKIQpubyBpcCBpcHMgZGVueS1hY3Rpb24gaXBzLWludGVyZmFjZQohCm5vIGZ0cC1zZXJ2ZXIgd3JpdGUtZW5hYmxlCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEgCm5vIGNyeXB0byBpc2FrbXAgY2NtCiEKIQohCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIExvb3BiYWNrMAogaXAgYWRkcmVzcyAxLjEuMS4xIDI1NS4yNTUuMjU1LjAKIQppbnRlcmZhY2UgU2VyaWFsMC8wCiBpcCBhZGRyZXNzIDEyLjAuMC4xIDI1NS4yNTUuMjU1LjAKIHNlcmlhbCByZXN0YXJ0LWRlbGF5IDAKIG5vIGRjZS10ZXJtaW5hbC10aW1pbmctZW5hYmxlCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIFNlcmlhbDAvMQogaXAgYWRkcmVzcyAxMy4wLjAuMSAyNTUuMjU1LjI1NS4wCiBzZXJpYWwgcmVzdGFydC1kZWxheSAwCiBubyBkY2UtdGVybWluYWwtdGltaW5nLWVuYWJsZQohCmludGVyZmFjZSBTZXJpYWwwLzIKIG5vIGlwIGFkZHJlc3MKIHNlcmlhbCByZXN0YXJ0LWRlbGF5IDAKIG5vIGRjZS10ZXJtaW5hbC10aW1pbmctZW5hYmxlCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIFNlcmlhbDAvMwogbm8gaXAgYWRkcmVzcwogc2h1dGRvd24KIHNlcmlhbCByZXN0YXJ0LWRlbGF5IDAKIG5vIGRjZS10ZXJtaW5hbC10aW1pbmctZW5hYmxlCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIEZhc3RFdGhlcm5ldDEvMAogaXAgYWRkcmVzcyAxMS4xMS4xMS4xMSAyNTUuMjU1LjI1NS4wCiBkdXBsZXggYXV0bwogc3BlZWQgYXV0bwohCnJvdXRlciBlaWdycCAxMDAKIG5ldHdvcmsgMS4wLjAuMAogbmV0d29yayAxMS4wLjAuMAogbmV0d29yayAxMi4wLjAuMAogbmV0d29yayAxMy4wLjAuMAogYXV0by1zdW1tYXJ5CiEKaXAgaHR0cCBzZXJ2ZXIKbm8gaXAgaHR0cCBzZWN1cmUtc2VydmVyCmlwIGNsYXNzbGVzcwohCiEKIQohCiEKIQpjb250cm9sLXBsYW5lCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKbGluZSBjb24gMApsaW5lIGF1eCAwCmxpbmUgdnR5IDAgNAogbG9naW4KIQohCmVuZAo=
  [[ROUTER R2]]
      model = 3640
      console = 2001
      slot0 = NM-4T
      s0/0 = R1 s0/0
      f1/0 = NIO_udp:30001:
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      x = -280.0
      y = -96.0
      hx = 19.5
      hy = 19.0
      configuration = IQp2ZXJzaW9uIDEyLjMKc2VydmljZSB0aW1lc3RhbXBzIGRlYnVnIGRhdGV0aW1lIG1zZWMKc2VydmljZSB0aW1lc3RhbXBzIGxvZyBkYXRldGltZSBtc2VjCm5vIHNlcnZpY2UgcGFzc3dvcmQtZW5jcnlwdGlvbgohCmhvc3RuYW1lIFIyCiEKYm9vdC1zdGFydC1tYXJrZXIKYm9vdC1lbmQtbWFya2VyCiEKbm8gbG9nZ2luZyBjb25zb2xlCiEKbm8gYWFhIG5ldy1tb2RlbAohCnJlc291cmNlIHBvbGljeQohCm1lbW9yeS1zaXplIGlvbWVtIDUKaXAgc3VibmV0LXplcm8KIQohCmlwIGNlZgpubyBpcCBkaGNwIHVzZSB2cmYgY29ubmVjdGVkCiEKIQpubyBpcCBpcHMgZGVueS1hY3Rpb24gaXBzLWludGVyZmFjZQohCm5vIGZ0cC1zZXJ2ZXIgd3JpdGUtZW5hYmxlCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEgCm5vIGNyeXB0byBpc2FrbXAgY2NtCiEKIQohCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIExvb3BiYWNrMAogaXAgYWRkcmVzcyAyLjIuMi4yIDI1NS4yNTUuMjU1LjAKIQppbnRlcmZhY2UgU2VyaWFsMC8wCiBpcCBhZGRyZXNzIDEyLjAuMC4yIDI1NS4yNTUuMjU1LjAKIHNlcmlhbCByZXN0YXJ0LWRlbGF5IDAKIG5vIGRjZS10ZXJtaW5hbC10aW1pbmctZW5hYmxlCiEKaW50ZXJmYWNlIFNlcmlhbDAvMQogbm8gaXAgYWRkcmVzcwogc2VyaWFsIHJlc3RhcnQtZGVsYXkgMAogbm8gZGNlLXRlcm1pbmFsLXRpbWluZy1lbmFibGUKIQppbnRlcmZhY2UgU2VyaWFsMC8yCiBubyBpcCBhZGRyZXNzCiBzaHV0ZG93bgogc2VyaWFsIHJlc3RhcnQtZGVsYXkgMAogbm8gZGNlLXRlcm1pbmFsLXRpbWluZy1lbmFibGUKIQppbnRlcmZhY2UgU2VyaWFsMC8zCiBubyBpcCBhZGRyZXNzCiBzaHV0ZG93bgogc2VyaWFsIHJlc3RhcnQtZGVsYXkgMAogbm8gZGNlLXRlcm1pbmFsLXRpbWluZy1lbmFibGUKIQppbnRlcmZhY2UgRmFzdEV0aGVybmV0MS8wCiBpcCBhZGRyZXNzIDIyLjIyLjIyLjIyIDI1NS4yNTUuMjU1LjAKIGR1cGxleCBhdXRvCiBzcGVlZCBhdXRvCiEKcm91dGVyIGVpZ3JwIDEwMAogbmV0d29yayAyLjAuMC4wCiBuZXR3b3JrIDEyLjAuMC4wCiBuZXR3b3JrIDIyLjAuMC4wCiBhdXRvLXN1bW1hcnkKIQppcCBodHRwIHNlcnZlcgpubyBpcCBodHRwIHNlY3VyZS1zZXJ2ZXIKaXAgY2xhc3NsZXNzCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCmNvbnRyb2wtcGxhbmUKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQohCiEKIQpsaW5lIGNvbiAwCmxpbmUgYXV4IDAKbGluZSB2dHkgMCA0CiBsb2dpbgohCiEKZW5kCg==
  [[ROUTER R3]]
      model = 3640
      console = 2002
      slot0 = NM-4T
      s0/0 = R1 s0/1
      f1/0 = NIO_udp:30002:
      slot1 = NM-1FE-TX
      x = 201.0
      y = -89.0
      hx = 21.5
      hy = 21.0
      configuration = 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


  configs = C:\Documents and Settings\Rajesh\Desktop\C:\Documents and Settings\Rajesh\Desktop\staticroute_configs
  workdir = C:\Documents and Settings\Rajesh\Desktop\staticroute_working
  [[NOTE 1]]
      text =
      x = -43.0
      y = -29.5
      rotate = 0
      z = 5.0
  [[NOTE 2]]
      text =
      x = -292.0
      y = -41.5
      rotate = 0
      z = 5.0
  [[SHAPE 1]]
      type = ellipse
      x = 200.0
      y = -38.0
      width = 76.0
      height = 28.0
      rotate = 0
      border_style = 2
  [[NOTE 3]]
      text =
      x = 199.0
      y = -35.5
      rotate = 0
      z = 5.0
  [[SHAPE 2]]
      type = ellipse
      x = -291.0
      y = -45.0
      width = 77.0
      height = 31.0
      rotate = 0
      border_style = 2
  [[SHAPE 3]]
      type = ellipse
      x = -43.0
      y = -32.0
      width = 77.0
      height = 30.0
      rotate = 0
      border_style = 2

D:\Router Simulation\vpcs-0.16c>vpcs.exe

Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.16c Dedicated to Daling. Build time: Mar 12 2009 11:32:18 All rights reserved.

NOTICE: MAY NOT use this software for commercial purposes unless

      you get an appropriate commercial license for it.

Please contact me at [email protected] or if you have any questions.

Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

PC1 : gateway

PC2 : gateway

PC3 : gateway

VPCS 3 >s

NAME IP/CIDR GATEWAY MAC LPORT RPORT PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000 PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001 PC3 00:50:79:66:68:02 20002 30002 PC4 00:50:79:66:68:03 20003 30003 PC5 00:50:79:66:68:04 20004 30004 PC6 00:50:79:66:68:05 20005 30005 PC7 00:50:79:66:68:06 20006 30006 PC8 00:50:79:66:68:07 20007 30007 PC9 00:50:79:66:68:08 20008 30008

VPCS 3 >1 VPCS 1 >ping icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms

VPCS 1 >ping host ( not reachable

VPCS 1 >2 VPCS 2 >ping icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms

VPCS 2 >ping host ( not reachable

VPCS 2 >3 VPCS 3 >ping icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms

VPCS 3 >ping host ( not reachable

VPCS 3 >

, 2009/11/01 05:41

can you tell me about use vpc in gns3? i don't know set IP for PC in gns3

, Spain, Madrid, 2009/10/20 15:42

I would like to suggest adding “ver” command in posible future new versions. Something like this: VPCS 1 >ver This is VPCS v0.16c

VPCS 1 >

, 2009/10/12 19:18

Another problem with echo - the SYN/ACK from the VPC has a bad checksum, so if you are trying to echo a VPC through a firewall, the SYN gets through, but the SYN/ACK gets droped by the firewall because it has a back checksum See the Firewall Capture below:

PIX2(config)# cap cap1 in dmz real-time detail

Warning: using this option with a slow console connection may

       result in an excessive amount of non-displayed packets
       due to performance limitations.

Use ctrl-c to terminate real-time capture

 1: 18:36:10.150550 0000.ab79.5502 0050.7966.6803 0x0800 128: > S [tcp sum ok] 2401456904:2401456958(54) win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 2: 18:36:10.162177 0050.7966.6803 0000.ab79.5502 0x0800 128: > S [bad tcp cksum 74a3!] 1234567890:1234567944(54) ack 2401456905 win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 3: 18:36:13.210804 0000.ab79.5502 0050.7966.6803 0x0800 128: > S [tcp sum ok] 2401456904:2401456958(54) win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 4: 18:36:13.222248 0050.7966.6803 0000.ab79.5502 0x0800 128: > S [bad tcp cksum 74a3!] 1234567890:1234567944(54) ack 2401456905 win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 5: 18:36:16.291183 0000.ab79.5502 0050.7966.6803 0x0800 128: > S [tcp sum ok] 2401456904:2401456958(54) win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 6: 18:36:16.305480 0050.7966.6803 0000.ab79.5502 0x0800 128: > S [bad tcp cksum 74a3!] 1234567890:1234567944(54) ack 2401456905 win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 7: 18:36:19.351956 0000.ab79.5502 0050.7966.6803 0x0800 128: > S [tcp sum ok] 2401456904:2401456958(54) win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 8: 18:36:19.364116 0050.7966.6803 0000.ab79.5502 0x0800 128: > S [bad tcp cksum 74a3!] 1234567890:1234567944(54) ack 2401456905 win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
 9: 18:36:22.302138 0000.ab79.5502 0050.7966.6803 0x0800 128: > S [tcp sum ok] 2401456904:2401456958(54) win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
10: 18:36:22.313155 0050.7966.6803 0000.ab79.5502 0x0800 128: > S [bad tcp cksum 74a3!] 1234567890:1234567944(54) ack 2401456905 win 65535 <eol> (ttl 64, id 7301)
, 2009/10/07 12:08

1. If I type simply ip and hit enter, the program crashes (both windows and linux versions). 2. A “version” command would be nice, to check the version number 3. It would be nice if you could echo to routers as well as VPCS - at least for tcp - simply record the time for the 3-way handshake. At the moment, if i do an echo to say port 23 of the router, the SYN and SYN/ACK happen (but vpcs doesn't complete the final ACK) but I don't see any acknowledgement of this exchange - just the * * * output.

A great program - thanks.

, 2009/10/06 23:12

host(x.x.x.x) not reachable and 206 - unable to create UDP NIO , I was stuck on these issues, my vpcs was not able to ping my router. please check my post below for solution.

, Egypt, 2009/09/26 19:29

Amazing :)

, 2009/09/13 19:35

When i add computer in GNS3 and specify the type as cloud . But in the node space it is showing under decorative device. i am not able to set the ports for computer

, ajaccio corsica french, 2009/08/22 16:01

my net file is like this pc1 (20000 30000) connect to a switch switch connext to a router . ping router →pc is ok ping pc →router not ok why ????

, 2009/07/10 19:28


Is it possible to send more than the default number of pings? A ping -t option would be great!

, 2009/07/25 15:25


What is the VPCS licence? I din't find it.


, 2009/06/23 10:41

I connected the VPC1 to fa1/0 of a router (RTR1)

PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000

then the VPC2 is connected to another router (RTR3)

PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001

the problem is:

from RTR1:

I can ping the PC1 just fine

from RTR2

I cannot ping PC2, however when I do a “show arp” on the router it shows the address of the VPC2 as “incomplete” and eventually disappears from the ARP table

The workaround I discovered is i opened another VPC and it works

How can you have only 1 VPC running and connect the 2 VPCs to Different routers?

, 2009/06/23 10:24

I connected the VPC1 to fa1/0 of a router (RTR1)

PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000

then the VPC2 is connected to another router (RTR3)

PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001

the problem is:

from RTR1:

I can ping the PC1 just fine

from RTR2

I cannot ping PC2, however when I do a “show arp” on the router it shows the address of the VPC2 as “incomplete” and eventually disappears from the ARP table

The workaround I discovered is i opened another VPC and it works

How can you have only 1 VPC running and connect the 2 VPCs to Different routers?

, 2009/06/23 08:41

I connected the VPC1 to fa1/0 of a router (RTR1)

PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000

then the VPC2 is connected to another router (RTR3)

PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001

the problem is:

from RTR1:

I can ping the PC1 just fine

from RTR2

I cannot ping PC2, however when I do a “show arp” on the router it shows the address of the VPC2 as “incomplete” and eventually disappears from the ARP table

The workaround I discovered is i opened another VPC and it works

How can you have only 1 VPC running and connect the 2 VPCs to Different routers?

, 2009/05/26 15:09

I am having the same issue as Samir above.

I just want to test VPCS and get it working so my topology is very simple.

3640 with NM-16 and NM-FE1. VPCS 1 and 2 are connected to ports 1 and 2o of the NM in the router. I see the ports as up/up. I have set the IPs for VPC1 and 2 in the same subnet, but cannot ping between them. Nor can I ping an IP on the router in this same subnet.

I have also tried this with a GNS switch between the router and the VPCs with the same result.

host (a.b.c.d) not reachable

GNS3, OSX, 10.5.7.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all the hard work.

, None, 2009/04/17 03:01

Well.. Maybe not; It appears that I enabled ND RA back on the cisco router for whatever reason, This is why it was working when I added the default gateway. I have suppressed the ND RA on the interface that is directly connected to the VPCS. It appears that the syntax ip 2001:470:C19C:10::2 64 2001:470:C19C:10::1 does not recognize 2001:470:C19C:10::1 as the default gateway. For now I will enable ND RA back on the Cisco Router; however, it would be nice to be able to traditionally add the default gateway to the vpcs config so that the host is not relying on Router Advertisements to locate a router to forward packets; Again, thanks for the app!

, None, 2009/04/17 02:32

Disregard last post, I upgraded to 16c and added ip 2001:470:C19C:10::2 64 2001:470:C19C:10::1 and it works with no issues. Thanks for the app!

, None, 2009/04/17 01:43

Hello, is there an option to configure a IPv6 default gateway for a vpcs host? I can ping my directly connected intergace, but unable to ping anything beyond that. Per the config, for an IPv4 host: ip 24 ( being the gateway) My directly connected host is a 3725 Cisco router and ND/RD is disabled. I wish to assign the addresses statically; So a simple question is does vpcs have an option to supply a IPv6 default gateway? Thanks

, 2009/04/08 05:30, 2009/04/09 13:57

O sorry I wrongly write down here. Actually my VPCS is configured like this:

  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway   
  VPCS 2 > ip 24
  PC2 : gateway          
  VPCS 3 > ip 24
  PC3 : gateway

At this current scenerio when I am trying to ping gateway address ( from PC1 (, it shows the following message:

  VPCS 1 >ping
  host ( not reachable

Would anyone please tell me what is the problem?

, 2009/04/08 09:57, 2009/04/09 13:58

What does your .net file look like? You need to connect your VPC to the gateway, so you should have something like:

  [[ROUTER R0]]
  f0/0 = NIO_udp:30000:
  [[ROUTER R1]]
  f0/0 = NIO_udp:30001:
  [[ROUTER R2]]
  f0/0 = NIO_udp:30002:

for VPC1-VPC3 connected to fa0/0 of R0-R2 respectively.
And I assume you have configured the routers, “no shut” the fa0/0 interfaces etc.

, 2009/04/09 05:18, 2009/04/09 14:02

My .net file look like this:
there are 3 routers, 1st router conneted to 2nd and 2nd connected to 3rd router through serial link and there are also 3 LAN Switches and 3 VPCS. 1st LAN Switch is connected to 1st router, 2nd switch is connected to 2nd router and 3rd switch is connected to 3rd router.
And 1st VPCS is connected to 1st switch, 2nd VPCS is connected to 2nd switch and 3rd VPCS is connected to 3rd switch.
From this network topology I can say that every VPCS is connectd to router through LAN switch.
In my VPCS end I've configured NIO_udp:30000: and also applied “no shutdown” command in fa0/0 interface of router. It is still not working. Is it mandotory to choose NIO Ethernet? I've three NIO Ethernet. Now what should I do to solve this problem?

, 2009/04/09 14:17, 2009/04/09 14:25

Does the pc1 connect router? You said the vpcs connects the switch, 1st switch connects router.
Piece of my dynamips's options:
-i R1 -T 2001 -P 3600 -t 3660 -X -r 160 -c 0×2102 –sparse-mem –idle-pc=0x607789b8
-p 0:NM-1FE-TX -p 1:NM-16ESW
-s 0:0:udp:7000:
-s 1:0:udp:30000:
-s 1:1:udp:30001:
-s 1:2:udp:30002:
-s 1:3:udp:30003:
-s 1:4:udp:30004:
The interface f1/0 connects vpc1, f1/1 to vpc2, and so on.

, 2009/04/07 10:45, 2009/04/09 13:57

In my network topology I have added a Virtual PC to Switch and then Switch to Router, now I want to ping from Virtual PC ( to gateway address ( of Router. But I can not reach this. According to VPCS, I configured 3 Virtual PC like this:

  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway
  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway
  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway

If I want to ping gateway address now what should I do? Anyone can help me.

, 2009/04/07 15:23

Do you want to ping PC1's ip address is You should switch to PC3 before you set up PC3.

, 2009/04/07 10:43, 2009/04/09 13:56

In my network topology I have added a Virtual PC to Switch and then Switch to Router, now I want to ping from Virtual PC ( to gateway address ( of Router. But I can not reach this. According to VPCS, I configured 3 Virtual PC like this:

  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway   
  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway
  VPCS 1 > ip 24
  PC1 : gateway

If I want to ping gateway address now what should I do? Anyone can help me.

, 2009/03/24 06:00

Hi Mirnshi, I am having an other problem with new vpcs 16c, I can't ping any host from my GNS3 LAB router and from pc to router also. I have tried editing the vpcs startup file it's taking only the ipv6 host ip only not taking the gateway ip.It's not working. I think u might be familiar with ur vpcs, can u please solve this problem and upload the new vpcs version. Please

Thank You Kishore

, 2009/03/25 02:35

you mean that you want to ping a host in ipv6 network, right? The host uses NDP(neighbor discover protocol) to discover the destination automatically in ipv6 network.

, 2009/03/15 21:01, 2009/04/09 14:01

Hi: I'm using the v0.16c, and i can't ping one host from my GNS3 LAB. I've configured a Cloud Interface in GNS3 and on the NIO UDP also configure this: Local port: 30000 Remote host: Remote port: 20000 I connect this Cloud device to a SW1 to F0/0 router interface and i cannot ping either. This is my VPCS config when i run.

  Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.16c
  Dedicated to Daling.
  Build time: Mar 12 2009 11:32:18
  All rights reserved.
  NOTICE: MAY NOT use this software for commercial purposes unless
      you get an appropriate commercial license for it.
  Please contact me at [email protected] or
  if you have any questions.
  Press '?' to get help.
  Executing the startup file
  PC1 : gateway
  PC3 :
  PC3 : 2001:2::1/64
  PC4 :
  PC4 : 2001:2::2/64
  PC5 : gateway
  PC5 : 2001:3::2/64
  PC8 : gateway
  PC8 : 2001:8::2/64
  PC9 : gateway
  PC9 : 2001:9::2/64
  host ( not reachable
  host (2001:2::2) not reachable
  host (2001:3::1) not reachable
  2001:3::2 icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms
  2001:3::2 icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms
  2001:3::2 icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms
  2001:3::2 icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms
  2001:3::2 icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms
  host (2001:8::1) not reachable
  2001:8::2 icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms
  2001:8::2 icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms
  2001:8::2 icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms
  2001:8::2 icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms
  2001:8::2 icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms
  host (2001:9::1) not reachable
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=1 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=2 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=3 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=4 time=0.001 ms
  2001:9::2 icmp_seq=5 time=0.001 ms
  VPCS 9 >1
  VPCS 1 >ping
  host ( not reachable
  VPCS 1 >show
  NAME   IP/CIDR              GATEWAY           MAC                LPORT  RPORT
  PC1        00:50:79:66:68:00  20000  30000
  PC2             00:50:79:66:68:01  20001  30001
  PC3           00:50:79:66:68:02  20002  30002
  PC4           00:50:79:66:68:03  20003  30003
  PC5       00:50:79:66:68:04  20004  30004
  PC6             00:50:79:66:68:05  20005  30005
  PC7             00:50:79:66:68:06  20006  30006
  PC8       00:50:79:66:68:07  20007  30007
  PC9       00:50:79:66:68:08  20008  30008
  VPCS 1 >
, 2009/03/19 09:51

Is your configuration correct? you'd better modify the configuration file startup.vpc in your lab.

, 2009/03/14 03:40

Hi mirnshi this is kishore again. This new vpcs 16c is good to work with ipv6.Thank you very much.

, 2009/03/03 15:39

Help please! why? VPCS 1 >ip 2001:1:10::1 64 Invalid ipv6 address.

VPCS 1 >

, 2009/03/05 09:33

I had found this bug. I'm not sure it is the cygwin1.dll bug. I'm checking it.

, 2009/03/02 15:27

Hi, Can someone demonstrate on how to configure IPv6 addresses. ?


, 2009/02/21 07:52


Could any one explain me how to set an ipv6 address using vpcs 0.161a.I have tried my best.Please help me.

, 2009/02/18 03:45

Can you run gns3 and vcps on Windows Server 2003. When I load vcps after gns3 and vice versa — dynamips fails to start when I go to Preferences/Dynamips and run the test. I tried copying the cygwin1.dll file from vpcs to the directory for gns3 and vice versa but this does not solve the problem. I noticed that my server is listening on port 20008 the default local port for pc9 in vcps . But I can change this in the startup file with a “conf lport” command. Any help would be appreciated . I've got this working in XP , but I would like to run in Windows 2003 server.

Thanks Jim

, 2009/02/20 03:26

what's wrong? any error messages?

, 2009/02/08 11:22

According VPCS I've configured Virtual PC to ping from one to another or to gateway address but it can't do. Would anyone please tell me what would be the problem?

, 2009/02/08 11:22

According VPCS I've configured Virtual PC to ping from one to another or to gateway address but it can't do. Would anyone please tell me what would be the problem?

, 2009/01/31 12:34

anyone know how I can “run” the vpcs.osx in Mac 10.4.x? I think I need to manually set up Terminal to do this, but I'm not sure.

, 2009/02/01 15:29

like linux: 1. upload or unpack 2. chmod +x vpcs.osx 3. ./vpcs.osx

, 2009/01/13 07:21

Unless i enter a gateway it doesn`t work in a switching lab. Or am i missing something?

, 2009/01/14 06:31

which version? how did you know it does not work in your switch lab? please give more detail. thx

, 2009/02/09 12:30

I have the similar problem

OS:win server2008 GUI Dynamips:gns3 0.6 IOS:unzip-c3640-ik9o3s-mz.124-10 slot:NM-16ESW

, 2009/01/13 06:38

1. think you need to now to make the idelpc to work for you all time to all time low you need to eliminate the exec-timeout of the console to make the ios kick out of the prompt and make the cpu go high this are the command. and you cpu will be 0% all time ;)

r1(config)# line con 0 r1(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0 r1(config-line)# logging synchronous

, 2009/01/13 06:37

1. think you need to now to make the idelpc to work for you all time to all time low you need to eliminate the exec-timeout of the console to make the ios kick out of the prompt and make the cpu go high this are the command. and you cpu will be 0% all time ;)

r1(config)# line con 0 r1(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0 r1(config-line)# logging synchronous

, 2009/01/10 12:10

it would be very usefull if vpc has the funcation of save the config file then we can save the ip address & cidr & gateway info next time when we use it again we can load the info

, 2009/01/10 21:21

Just change the startup.vpc file if you use the same configurations over-and-over again although it would be nice to be able to specify our own configuration file on startup.

, 2009/01/09 14:23


I'm running VPCS v0.15a on a FC9 virtual machine with 256Mbps memory. I have it connected to a GNS3-emulated Cisco 3725 which acts as a switch, which in turn is connected to a Mikrotik router over VMNet 2. Connectivity is fine but I keep seeing “queue is full” messages, however, this doesn't affect performance. Is this because of running in VMWare?

, 2009/01/09 15:14

Is the Mikrotik router a physical device? I never test the vpcs in these environment. Could you please post your topology?

, 2009/01/10 21:15

Thanks for the reply. All devices are virtual machines running on VM Workstation. The host machine is Windows Vista. I run 4 virtual machines on it:

1. Fedora Core 9 with GNS3 and VPCS (256Mbps virtual machine) 2. Mikrotik RouterOS (128Mbps virtual machine) 3. Mikotik RouterOS (128Mbps virtual machine) 4. Fedora Core 9 with GNS3 and VPCS (256Mbps virtual machine)

The full topology is:

VPCS PC1–>GNS3 Cisco 3725 with NM-16ESW–>Mikrotik1–>Mikrotik 2–>GNS3 Cisco 3725 with NM-16ESW–>VPCS PC1

As I mentioned before I get end-to-end connectivity and the “queue is full” message does not appear until I start pinging and the only annoyance is that it interrupts the command line in VPCS. I also notice that if the virtual machine is idle and the Fedora Core 9 login prompt comes up then this too causes the message to appear. I can only assume that it is the memory of the virtual machine causing the issue but I have to be a bit cute to ensure that I don't slow down the whole PC when running all four virtual machines. The idlepc values have been calculated too and have got them to go as low as possible.

Thanks in advance for your help and a rather belated thanks for your program. Hopefully you've seen my run through on my blog (subnettingmadeeasy) of your program.

Kind regards,


, 2009/01/13 02:25, 2009/01/13 02:27

I will check the code to find out where's wrong.

, 2009/02/02 19:11

I got the same message “queue is full” on the VPCS console when pinging an configured IP. The problem was an rport bad configured on GNS3 cloud. Once i put it in the right way, worked well. =)


, 2010/04/29 07:29

Hello All,

I started getting the same message “queue is full” on the VPCS console too when I added VLANs to my C3725 switches. When I ping from a VPCS pc connected to any of these new VLANs ports the message appears. I hope this bug gets fixed soon cuz it's so annoying.



, 2008/12/29 13:41


I would like to download file and receive information Page can't be desplayed. Can you corect a link to vpcs-0.16a for i64?

, 2008/12/29 14:17

It's ok now.

, 2008/12/29 16:27


, 2008/12/27 15:50

Hello ..

The binary file on version 0.16a for Linux it does'nt work, but on 0.15a version works perfectly:

tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.16a$ ./vpcs -u -r startup.vpc bash: ./vpcs: cannot execute binary file tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.16a$ ls -la total 2044 drwx—— 2 tony tony 4096 2008-12-27 09:40 . drwxr-xr-x 9 tony tony 4096 2008-12-27 09:40 .. -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 1872520 2008-02-29 16:45 cygwin1.dll -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 3508 2008-12-24 23:56 -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 520 2008-12-24 23:45 filelist.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 2312 2008-12-24 23:15 readme_cn.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 2642 2008-12-24 23:15 readme.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 271 2008-12-24 23:51 startup.vpc -rwxr-xr-x 1 tony tony 62000 2008-12-24 23:09 vpcs -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 47104 2008-12-24 23:09 vpcs.exe -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 60152 2008-12-24 23:43 vpcs.osx tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.16a$

tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.16a$ cd ..

tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux$ cd vpcs-0.15a/

tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.15a$ ls -la total 2508 drwx—— 2 tony tony 4096 2008-12-27 09:38 . drwxr-xr-x 9 tony tony 4096 2008-12-27 09:40 .. -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 1872520 2008-02-29 16:45 cygwin1.dll -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 2730 2008-03-31 11:17 -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 520 2008-06-28 11:36 filelist.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 2346 2008-06-28 11:16 readme_cn.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 2674 2008-06-28 11:17 readme.txt -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 116 2008-06-28 11:37 startup.vpc -rwxr-xr-x 1 tony tony 571684 2008-06-26 12:24 vpcs -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 34304 2008-06-26 12:22 vpcs.exe -rw-r–r– 1 tony tony 43456 2008-06-28 11:32 vpcs.osx


tony@fenix:~/Downloads/Linux/vpcs-0.15a$ ./vpcs -u -r startup.vpc

Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.15a Dedicated to Daling. Build time: Jun 26 2008 11:22:03 All rights reserved.

NOTICE: MAY NOT use this software for commercial purposes unless

      you get an appropriate commercial license for it.

Please contact me at [email protected] or if you have any questions.

Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

DDD Can't find dhcp server

PC2 : gateway

PC3 :

VPCS 1 >

VPCS 1 >show

NAME IP/CIDR GATEWAY MAC LPORT RPORT PC1 00:50:79:66:68:00 20000 30000 PC2 00:50:79:66:68:01 20001 30001 PC3 00:50:79:66:68:02 20002 30002 PC4 00:50:79:66:68:03 20003 30003 PC5 00:50:79:66:68:04 20004 30004 PC6 00:50:79:66:68:05 20005 30005 PC7 00:50:79:66:68:06 20006 30006 PC8 00:50:79:66:68:07 20007 30007 PC9 00:50:79:66:68:08 20008 30008

VPCS 1 >

, 2008/12/28 06:27

Sorry, the previously file is x86_64 version. I uploaded 32bit version.

, 2008/12/29 05:44

Thanks :-), now is working fine.

, 2008/12/15 20:55

I finally was able to define the computer symbol as a cloud type. Within the symbol manager I made sure to place several symbols in the right pane, with one being the computer. I was then able to select and highlight the computer symbol before naming it and saving it as a cloud type. Vpcs works great.

, 2008/12/14 02:14

I am having a problem integrating vpcs with gns3.First , I copied the vpcs cygwin1.dll to the dynamips directory under the GNS3 directory. Once , I did that dynamips was able to load. However , I followed the instructions in the gns3 tutorial for adding a computer symbol as a cloud type within the symbol manager. The computer symbol appears under the node types on the left pane under a category called decorative nodes. When I drag and drop the computer symbol it is of type decorative node and not the cloud type. I can't seem to define the computer symbol as a cloud type - I am selecting the cloud type but it doesnt save it as a cloud type. Can anyone help me on this.

, 2008/12/30 04:34

Hello …

1. Keep the cygwin1.dll file on dynamips directory under GNS3 UNTOUCHED and copy this to the VPCS directory. 2. Follow the instructions in the gns3 tutorial for adding a computer symbol as a cloud type within the symbol manage and do a double click on the computer icon from the rigth column (COSTUMIZED NODES) to edit properties. 3. Save it with a diferent name (vPC for example).

I hope this can resolve youre problem.

, 2008/12/10 09:27

It's ok, nothing wrong.

, 2008/12/07 03:53


I have an strange issue. GNS3 its working properly, and VPCS runs fine without any error, cygwing1.dll also.

But the ports are binding to, not

This is part of my netstat -an

UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*
UDP          *:*

Please let me know if someone has the same problem. Thanks, Francisco.

, 2008/11/30 04:54


, 2008/10/21 14:44

hello. this tool is awesom! thanks!!!

here is a tipp which i found in another forum, if you get a “206-unable to create UDP NIO” error on gns3:

cite: ” try switching the ports 20000 > 30000 30000 > 20000 ”

, 2008/10/06 16:38

please add telnet funcionality… (with selected ports) it's enough for me…

, 2008/10/02 23:25

I have a super simple setup with two switches (NSW) and a trunk, and I am trying to ping from VPC1 to VPC 2 each connected at the edges. ping response - host ( reachable. Is this not meant to work over L2 links? My VPCs have not gateway set. Thanks, J

, 2008/10/04 13:38

ping response - host ( reachable


are you sure your setting is right?

, 2008/09/23 06:55


, 2008/09/10 08:06

Hi I have a problem with using vpcs with GNS3. I cant run both simultaniouly. if I open VPCs first it will open but GNS3 will give a error when i start making topology saying “Can't connect to the hypervisor on port 7200”. if I open GNS3 first and make a topology it will work but then can't open vpcs application. it just open and disappears when i open it. kindly advice on this. (i'm using this with windows)

, 2008/09/11 03:51

I got the same problem in Windows XP (both version 0.14g and 0.15a). How can I solve this?

, 2008/09/11 23:37

I found the reason of this. Both Dynamips and VirtualPCs use cygwin1.dll, just copy file .dll from VirtualPCs overwrite file .dll in Dynamips (Remember backup original .dll)


, 2008/11/15 06:04

thanks very much! really saved time! thanks thanks

, Bangalore, 2012/02/01 21:55


I have an issue launching VPCS on my system(Ubuntu). The VP simulator is getting open and disappearing when i am trying to open it. I saw your post regarding this but i am not able to understand it. U have asked to copy .dll file from Virtual PCs overwrite file.dll in dynamips.. I am not able to understand that… Please please help me on this, I am still a begginner…

Regards, Anil

, gz,gd,cn, 2008/11/13 22:47

hi, I also got this problem just now. I found that the WinPcap in my computer was uninstall in mistake and after I reinstall the software Gns3 work again. you may check if you got this problem either. Good luck…

, 2008/08/30 11:18

Some suggestions: 1) Add the -t flag to the ping command so that it can be used to generate traffic. 2) Add the ability to switch between multiple VPCs and generate ping traffic from each. 3) Add ability to change ping packet sizes, and use tcp or udp packets.

It's a great tool that I'll continue to use even without the suggestions.


, 2008/07/29 11:04

I have a problem when I want to connect the cable to the interface, it said unable to create UDP NIO, what's that suppose to mean ? thx b4

, 2008/07/11 03:52

Nice tool , and I wonder if you can add port in the command “ping”,like this ping thanks

, 2008/07/11 03:50

Nice tool , and I wonder if you can add port in the command “ping”,like this ping thanks

, 2008/07/05 12:56


, 2008/07/02 02:52

will you please share the source with me? sciwander dot 163 dot com

, 2008/06/18 22:22


  I have downloaded your program and tried to run it and I get an error that the top file, a dll cannot be found. I click on it and all I get is code. I have tried numerous time to run this program and and have failed each time. Can you suggest what I,m doing wrong. Many thanks



, 2008/06/20 01:22

which dll?

, 2008/04/03 00:15, 2009/01/13 02:32

Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.14f

Dedicated to Daling.

Build time: Mar 26 2008 02:40:36

All rights reserved.

NOTICE: MAY NOT use this software for commercial purposes unless you get an appropriate commercial license for it.

Please contact me at [email protected] or

if you have any questions.

Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

PC1 : gateway

VPCS 1 >

⇒ ver

Dynagen version

hypervisor version(s):

dynamips at localhost:7200 has version 0.2.8-RC2-x86


Dynagen is written and maintained by Greg Anuzelli

Contributing developer: Pavel Skovajsa

Pemuwrapper: Thomas Pani

Pemu: Milen Svobodnikov

Thanks to the authors of the ConfObj library

And big thanks of course to Chris Filot as the author of Dynamips.

      autostart = False
      image = /home/tony/Labs/images/C2691-IP-ENT.bin
      ghostios = true
      sparsemem = true
      debug = 0
      [[ROUTER ro-a]]
              model = 2691
              console = 2001
              ram = 128
              nvram = 128
              disk0 = 64
              disk1 = 64
              slot0 = GT96100-FE
              slot1 = NM-4T
              S1/0 = ro-b S1/0
              F0/0 = NIO_linux_eth:vbox0
              F0/1 = NIO_linux_eth:eth0
      [[ROUTER ro-b]]
              model = 2691
              console = 2002
              ram = 128
              nvram = 128
              disk0 = 64
              disk1 = 64
              slot0 = GT96100-FE
              slot1 = NM-4T
              S1/1 = ro-c S1/0
              F0/0 = NIO_udp:30000:
      [[ROUTER ro-c]]
              model = 2691
              console = 2003
              ram = 128
              nvram = 128
              disk0 = 64
              disk1 = 64
              slot0 = GT96100-FE
              slot1 = NM-4T
              S1/1 = ro-d S1/0
              F0/0 = NIO_linux_eth:vbox1
      [[ROUTER ro-d]]
              model = 2691
              console = 2004
              ram = 128
              nvram = 128
              disk0 = 64
              disk1 = 64
              slot0 = GT96100-FE
              slot1 = NM-4T

RO-A#sh run

Building configuration…

Current configuration : 1277 bytes


version 12.3

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

no service password-encryption


hostname RO-A






no aaa new-model

ip subnet-zero




ip cef

















interface FastEthernet0/0

ip address

ip nat inside

speed 100



interface FastEthernet0/1

ip address dhcp

ip nat outside

speed 100



interface Serial1/0

ip address

ip nat inside

serial restart-delay 0

clock rate 128000


interface Serial1/1

no ip address


serial restart-delay 0


interface Serial1/2

no ip address


serial restart-delay 0


interface Serial1/3

no ip address


serial restart-delay 0


router rip

version 2

passive-interface FastEthernet0/1




no auto-summary


ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0/1 overload

no ip http server

ip classless



access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit










line con 0

logging synchronous

line aux 0

line vty 0 4





, 2008/04/03 06:04

Thank you for your work. I've got the bug.

, 2008/04/06 14:00

Is working perfectly now !!!! Thanks allot !!!

Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator for dynamips, v0.14g Dedicated to Daling. Build time: Apr 1 2008 19:03:58 All rights reserved.

NOTICE: MAY NOT use this software for commercial purposes unless

      you get an appropriate commercial license for it.

Please contact me at [email protected] or if you have any questions.

Press '?' to get help.

Executing the startup file

PC1 : gateway

VPCS 1 > VPCS 1 > VPCS 1 >ping icmp_seq=1 time=4.950 ms icmp_seq=2 time=5.237 ms icmp_seq=3 time=8.214 ms icmp_seq=4 time=3.859 ms icmp_seq=5 time=5.520 ms

VPCS 1 > VPCS 1 > VPCS 1 > VPCS 1 >tracert 7 traceroute to, 7 hops max 1 5.848 ms 3.892 ms 6.181 ms 2 17.392 ms 8.036 ms 17.719 ms

VPCS 1 >tracert traceroute to, 64 hops max 1 3.111 ms 4.412 ms 4.239 ms 2 12.501 ms 9.951 ms 9.225 ms 3 17.009 ms 21.746 ms 20.315 ms

, 2008/04/02 22:28, 2009/01/13 02:29

Follow my .net dynamips.

I note a problem when I replace the original cygwin.dll by vpc cygwin.dll, I can not make a telnet on my third router.

My lab has 3 routers and I do telnet to R1 and R2, but with R3 the window of Putty close automatically.

  autostart = false				#Variavel para inicialização automática dos roteadores
  image = \Cisco\IOS\ios-2691\c2691-ipbasek9-mz.124-13b.bin
  [[ROUTER r1]]
  model = 2691
  s0/0 = r2 S0/0				#Conexão entre as serias 1/0 de r1 e r2
  f0/0 = NIO_udp:30000:	#Conexão para o VPC1
  s0/1 = F1 1					#Conexão com a nuvem FR
  [[router r2]]
  model = 2691
  s0/1 = F1 2					#Conexão com a nuvem FR
  [[router r3]]
  model = 2691
  s0/0 = F1 3					#Conexão com a nuvem FR
  #Nuvem Frame-Relay
  [[FRSW F1]]
  1:100 = 2:300
  1:200 = 3:500
  2:400 = 3:600

Any help is welcome!!!

, 2008/04/03 05:50

Are you sure that the third dynamips was started correctly? out of memory?

, 2008/04/05 11:22

I did not think the problem is out of memory. My Windows XP has 2G RAM.

, 2008/04/02 22:01


第三章 静态路由→3.2.5 浮动静态路由→图3-5




, 2008/04/02 21:57


第三章 静态路由→3.2.5 浮动静态路由→图3-5




, 2008/04/02 21:24

please post your topology and your router configuration

, 2008/04/02 00:24


, dfjl. sldfke.coljedf;l', 2009/04/28 01:54

kya hall ha tara kya kar raha aaj kal wasa tu apna aap ko bohot hoshar samaj ta ha japani lekh kar samaj ta ha ka tari bata hum ko hai sumj aagi chal ja bharma

, 2008/04/02 00:11


, 2008/04/01 23:38

Version is 0.14f still not working on tracert:

VPCS 1 >tracert traceroute to, 64 hops max 1 10.632 ms 4.058 ms 3.706 ms 2 15.627 ms 10.931 ms 11.220 ms 3 30.142 ms 19.769 ms 17.068 ms 4 29.432 ms 16.428 ms 19.421 ms 5 60.752 ms 16.208 ms 20.515 ms 6 49.813 ms 18.569 ms 17.558 ms 7 19.268 ms 19.269 ms 14.346 ms 8 19.005 ms 20.802 ms 18.298 ms 9 22.309 ms 17.373 ms 17.132 ms ………………

VPCS 1 >tracert 4 traceroute to, 4 hops max 1 3.336 ms 7.239 ms 13.128 ms 2 13.357 ms 8.231 ms 19.452 ms 3 16.256 ms 10.210 ms 22.401 ms 4 10.283 ms 9.840 ms 20.708 ms

, 2008/04/01 23:00

Version is 0.14f still not working on tracert:

VPCS 1 >tracert traceroute to, 64 hops max 1 10.632 ms 4.058 ms 3.706 ms 2 15.627 ms 10.931 ms 11.220 ms 3 30.142 ms 19.769 ms 17.068 ms 4 29.432 ms 16.428 ms 19.421 ms 5 60.752 ms 16.208 ms 20.515 ms 6 49.813 ms 18.569 ms 17.558 ms 7 19.268 ms 19.269 ms 14.346 ms 8 19.005 ms 20.802 ms 18.298 ms 9 22.309 ms 17.373 ms 17.132 ms ………………

VPCS 1 >tracert 4 traceroute to, 4 hops max 1 3.336 ms 7.239 ms 13.128 ms 2 13.357 ms 8.231 ms 19.452 ms 3 16.256 ms 10.210 ms 22.401 ms 4 10.283 ms 9.840 ms 20.708 ms

, 2008/03/30 21:48

I note a problem when I replace the original cygwin.dll by vpc cygwin.dll, I can not make a telnet on my third router.

My lab has 3 routers and I do telnet to R1 and R2, but with R3 the window of Putty close automatically.

Any idea?

, 2008/03/28 01:10

The cygwin.dll used by dynamips and vpcs is a special version, which can support IPv6, and will conflict with the same file released by It recommends you to keep the latest cygwin.dll in your path because the different version will fight each other.

, 2008/03/27 23:22

Hi. It did not work on my PC. I am using Windows XP.

I run VPC and then when I run Dynamips, i got the following error:

6 [main] ? (4964) C:\Arquivos de programas\Dynamips\dynamips.exe: *** fata

l error - system shared memory version mismatch detected - 0x2D1E009C/0x75BE0096


This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.

Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start→Find/Search facility

and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should*

reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have

installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you

are unable to find another cygwin DLL.

I note that my dynamips folder have your own cygwin and the VPC folder have one too.

What is the problem?

Can you help me?

, 2009/01/07 18:06

I ran into the same issue and what helped me was deleting the cygwin DLL file in the VPC folder and copying the cygwin DLL from the dynamips folder into the VPC folder. I can now use VPC.

, 2008/03/27 08:28

“tracert” is wrong!

traceroute to, 64 hops max 1 141.000 ms 125.000 ms 141.000 ms 2 156.000 ms 141.000 ms 125.000 ms 3 156.000 ms 219.000 ms 141.000 ms 4 187.000 ms 125.000 ms 140.000 ms 5 204.000 ms 141.000 ms 109.000 ms 6 157.000 ms 78.000 ms 140.000 ms 7 156.000 ms 187.000 ms 110.000 ms 8 172.000 ms 203.000 ms 125.000 ms 9 156.000 ms 156.000 ms 141.000 ms 10 125.000 ms 157.000 ms 109.000 ms 11 125.000 ms 157.000 ms 156.000 ms

, 2008/03/25 21:36

you can change these ports in the startup file. For example: 1 conf rport 40000

, 2009/04/15 18:35


Great program! But whats the complete syntax of the startup.vpc file? I got Bad command: “1 conf rport 40001”. after starting with that:

# The startup file of VPC # pc1 1 conf rport 40001 ip 24

I need different lport and rport for each PC. Hope u will help,thx Balazs

, 4005 Result Avenue, 2012/06/22 18:33

Use the following in the startup.vpc file:- set rport 30000

, 4005 Result Avenue, 2012/06/22 18:38

Use “set lport 20000” or “set rport 30000” in the startup.vpc file where the port number is the port of your choice.

, Chesapeake, VA, 2008/03/25 18:39

With the new hot Dynamips GNS3 the RPort 30000-30008 is used in pemu, so I have a bat file to change in vpcs -c 40000 start, can you make this change in vpcs as default RPort to not conflict and make easier for noobs that want to use this great tool.

, 2008/03/13 12:17

To Mike J: I am looking for the OS X to compile the code.

, 2008/03/13 12:15

It's a layer3 tools to help NE to study router/switch, why add so many functions? Simple is the best.

, 2008/03/11 18:45


If you add nmap, telnet, ssh, traceroute and netcat functionality (maybe even tcpdump) then you would have absolutely coolect tool around for integrating with dynamips. That would allow us to do/test just about every single required feature.

, 2009/02/24 13:09

hey…how do i add all these functionalities?? i would like nmap, telnet, ssh, traceroute, mtr….could you please guide me?

, 2008/03/09 17:00

lovely! great! excellent!

, 2008/03/09 16:51

lovely! great! excellent!

, 2008/03/08 13:28

Thanks mirnshi! Can this functionality be changed in the future and perhaps the source code released? I run dynamips in OS X and it would be nice to have a ported version of vpcs so I don't have to use multiple machines or play with static routes (to support multiple tap interfaces).

, 2008/03/08 05:33

yes, just for work easy.

, 2008/03/06 15:38

I have dynamips and vpcs running on two different hosts on the same LAN. In my net file, I simply replaced “” with the ip address of the host running vpcs in the NIO_udp line. I see the traffic going out and the traffic being received on the other host, but the vcps host does not respond, thus the vpcs cannot ping the dynamips router.

Is vpcs hard-coded to only work with the loopback adapter?

, 2008/12/07 04:14

Hi… have you found any workaround.

I have a similar issue, but in my case VPCS bind the ports to instead of

Please let me know if you can. Thanks.

, 2007/12/14 06:02

Just curious, I can get vpcs to load up in windows, but if I configure an interface for my local network and use my local router as the gateway, I cannot ping from Windows to the vpsc ip that I configured. Btw, my main connection is wireless.


, 2011/12/25 08:19

Bad command:“conf rport 1111”.Use ? for help. The vpcs cannot ping the dynamips router. What is the problem? Can you help me?

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wiki/vpcs.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/04 14:27 by mirnshi